
If you don’t think you have the bandwidth to decide on UP now, consider these options:

1. Snooze this tab: Slot it into your calendar in the next <14 days. Consider TabSnooze, Snooze Tabby, etc.

2. Join our email list: Get short, story-based lessons on goal attainment. Reconsider UP with each email.

3. Schedule a call: Pick a time far out in the future. We’ll review your options then or just casually talk.

4. Refuse to procrastinate: Decide on your next actions now. If UP doesn’t make sense for you, simply move on. Ironically, this is exactly what UP helps you do: make resource allocation decisions quickly and wisely.

Our team has been tackling procrastination with people for 20+ years. UP partially solves it: we can often immediately do whatever is blocking you, either with or for you. If you’re “too busy to get unbusy”, a Max UP is designed exactly for you to get get balanced in days/weeks rather than months/years on your own.