Client Support Examples

We can handle nearly anything that’s needed for you to achieve your most valuable goals. Here are a few examples of projects and tasks we’ve accomplished with or for clients:


  • Mapped out client’s life plan that included a life goal of building a billion dollar company within 5 years and then helped him build a startup (temporarily) worth $1B+ during that time period
  • Recruited team of videographers, illustrators, and other artists to brand a client’s startup (and simultaneously bring his lifelong creative dream to life), saving him between $45k and $120k net in the process


  • Co-wrote and sent multimillion dollar fundraising emails with client, ending his multi-month long bout of procrastination
  • Coached client through the most stressful yet lucrative deal of his life, which netted him $3.5M (and potentially up to $11.5M)
  • Enabled client to finally make an incredibly stressful strategic decision that saved him millions of dollars
  • Helped client build a hedge fund from scratch to fund his impact work
  • Saved client tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars by mitigating his “degenerate” crypto trading


  • Developed comprehensive anti-aging protocol to slow client’s aging and improve his physical health
  • Enlisted specialized medical researcher to investigate hard-to-diagnose medical issues and develop a treatment plan
  • Helped client lose 20 pounds (twice)
  • Supported client before, during, and after rehab to substantially reduce his addictive habits
  • Taught client how to end lifelong trichotillomania issue in 15 minutes


  • Guided client through building a fully unified exocortex (“digital mind”) to store all of his knowledge, tasks, and ideas
  • Nudged client to experiment with living in a monastery, which modestly increased his attentional focus abilities
  • Enacted pre-commitment betting system with client to ensure he was prepared and punctual to meetings 90%+ of the time


  • Helped client with hundreds of improvements that increased his overall Life Score from 6.7 to 8.9 over 3 years


  • Intervened in marriage conflict to help avert likely divorce
  • Intervened in toxic marriage to enable much needed divorce after years of delay
  • Delivered clothes to client after he had an unexpectedly good date go long to ensure he could make a potential investor meeting on time (after also orchestrating the date)


  • Developed emergency preparedness plan to prepare for global catastrophes, including viable bunker options for client and his friends and family